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How Websites Help Small Businesses

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Website Development

At this stage of our global digital development, we’re undeniably aware of how important online presence is for small businesses. Between stronger-than-ever competition and endless statistics showing an increase in online usage year after year, small business owners worldwide recognize the positive impact of maintaining a robust digital marketing strategy. The formula is simple: customers are online, so your business needs to be online to reach them. 

Aside from meeting customers where they’re at and keeping up with the competition, what do small business owners gain when purchasing, creating, and maintaining a website? A small business website is a great way to launch a new business idea, publish a few blog posts, and reach a wider audience (if the GoogleGods deem the site worthy), but is all the work required to launch and maintain a website worth a few sales and the rare chance of going viral? How can websites help small businesses with both their day-to-day and long-term goals?  

Websites Help Small Businesses With Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

One of the most impactful ways websites help small businesses is through strategic search engine optimization. Websites provide limitless online content opportunities in the form of blogs, item descriptions, photo captions, image descriptions, titles, headings, and menus. Each content opportunity increases the likelihood your website will be found by search engines seeking answers for their customers. Strong website SEO strategies are immensely important to site visibility. You can’t sell when your audience doesn’t know you exist!

Websites Help Small Businesses Build a Lead Funnel

Have you ever unexpectedly encountered a potential customer or client and completely fumbled through your small business elevator pitch? Maybe you attempt to save the lead opportunity by grabbing one of your business cards just to find your last remaining card crumpled and covered in lint.

Condense your elevator pitch and perfect your lead follow-up process by referring to your small business website. A simple, “You should check out my website, rockstarsmallbusiness.com, for more info,” translates much better than a fistful of candy wrappers and dog hair. Websites help small businesses provide a one-stop-shop for your backstory, featured products or services, and social media links. A small business website also includes your preferred contact method, consequently making inquiry management more organized, efficient, and easier to track.

Websites Help Small Businesses Improve Brand Awareness

Think of your small business website as an online portfolio; this is your chance to share what your small business is all about. Capture eyes and enhance brand recognition by showcasing your unique slogan, story, standout features, and business personality throughout your website. Websites help small businesses by proudly featuring logos, color schemes, and brand images. Executed the right way, your website’s visual elements improve your target audience’s online user experience, make it easier for customers to accomplish their goals, and answer problems clients are looking to solve. Positive experiences lead to positive memories and associations with your brand, which keeps your target customers coming back for more. 

Websites Help Small Businesses Network

A key element of owning your own business is networking with like-minded businesses to expand growth opportunities and learning experiences. Websites help small businesses accomplish networking goals by creating digital environments in which to hype one another up, improve reach through external links, and increase visibility through directories and online forums. Website blog post shoutouts, affiliation links, and certification badges build credibility, form connections that both customers and collaborators appreciate, and create a sense of community that lands your business in a wide-open arena of potential prospects. 

Websites Help Small Businesses Track and Report

A small business website is a great way to check the pulse of your business’s digital health. Some small business websites (especially those built by GreenCup Digital *wink-wink*) provide built-in site analytics to track key web features like visibility, engagement, sales, and click-through rates. These tools save time and help small business owners identify issues, track success, and execute important functions like downloading sales tax reports or assessing shipping rates. Website-linked payment providers (Stripe, PayPal, and Square, for example) take the time savings one step further by allowing business owners to link in-person sales through their online web platforms. This keeps every customer interaction in the same place for even easier and more organized tracking and reporting. 

From streamlining online and in-person business processes to forging connections with strategic resources, websites help small businesses with every facet of organization and success. 

Are you looking to maximize your time and money by investing in a professionally-built small business website? Check our GreenCup Digital’s website design and development services. We partner with our clients to capture their unique vision, goals, and brand while attracting target audiences and standing apart from the crowd. Connect with us here for a complimentary, no-pressure consultation to discuss your small business website needs. Together we can craft a website that speaks to your specific brand and provides the return on investment you deserve.

Get in touch today with GreenCup Digital for a consultation.

About the Author

Jen Buck

Jen has a way with words. As a copywriting wizard, she uniquely crafts copy to help drive qualified leads and showcase the best your business has to offer.
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