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5 Reasons You Need A Website

by | Feb 21, 2020 | Website Development

This is not a question that gets asked too often in 2020, but every once in a while we come across a business that has yet to develop their online presence. Our first instinct is to answer this question with our own – Do you have any interest in growing your business and attracting new customers?

Having a website for your business is not just about selling your goods and services to customers, it is about giving your customers a place to find out more about who you are and what value you bring to your current and potential customers. Here are 5 reasons why you need a website for your business.

#1 Visibility

The internet is the new yellow pages, and you cannot afford not to be listed. If a potential customer can’t find you, how are they supposed to give you their business? Customers use the internet to find out as much as they can about a company before they decide to do business with them. According to a 2017 survey by local SEO experts Bright Local, 97% of consumers used the internet to find a local business, up from 95% in 2016.


#2 Credibility

Having a website gives your business credibility. See stat above, when a person learns about a business, the first thing they do is pull out their phone and look for an answer online. The same goes for when someone learns about a new business; they will look for it online. If you have no internet presence via a website or social media, you have lost a potential customer.


#3 Cost Effective Advertising

How are you getting the word out about your business? Print ads, radio commercials, promotional materials, these all cost money and time with little return. A website not only helps educate consumers about your business, but it also makes sure you show up in the search results when they are looking for you or your specialty. With a professionally built website and some simple SEO tactics, you will reach many more potential customers for less than you would spend on traditional advertising.


#4 Keep up with your competition

Open a new browser window, go to Google and type in your business category and city. How many of your competitors come up? If you are not online, but your competitors are, guess whom your customers are going to get in touch with? Moreover, being online also helps a smaller business play in the same sandbox as the big guys. You may not have a big, flashy office building but a well-done website can still influence a client to choose you.


#5 Don’t be a slave to social

Many businesses are relying on social media to get the word out about their business. The problem with this strategy? The “rules” of social media are changing practically every day. With the recent announcement by Facebook of less visibility for business pages and the growing trend of social media breaks, relying on these sites to reach your potential customers is becoming increasingly difficult. A social media network can also decide at a moment’s notice to shut down your account or delete your posts. With a website, you own the content, and you control how visible it is to your target audience.

Now that we have demonstrated to you how important a website is for your business, why not get in touch with GreenCup Digital to find out how we can help?

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