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The Importance of Placing Quality Photos on your Website

by | Sep 17, 2018 | Website Development

The Internet has become an essential marketing resource for business advertisers, overtaking print media and television as a primary target. This is especially true if you are the owner of a small or home-based business who does not have the deep pockets necessary to broadcast your message during an anchor program like Monday Night Football.

The incredible number of free and low-cost tools available to business owners also plays a large part in the Internet’s popularity as an advertising medium. This has made it possible for many business owners to take on the creation and ongoing maintenance of their websites using tools such as WordPress or Squarespace.

Pictures, graphics, or photos should be carefully selected to catch people’s attention when they are skimming through an overwhelming list of search results and trying to decide which link to click. It is also important to consider the quality and subject matter of the photos used to represent your website or blog posts and to ensure they create a professional appearance.

Choosing a partially blurry picture of your family dog playing in the baby pool during a weekend picnic can drive potential visitors to choose another link or visit another post instead of yours, especially if it isn’t relevant to the page or post’s content.

First impressions are everything and quality images could mean the difference between a sale and a visitor that continues on to the next resource. Poor quality photos and composition can give your site an unprofessional feel, or in extreme cases, can even create the impression that the site is a scam.

Good photos serve other purposes as well, especially when used consistently for branding or identity recognition. Logos or other forms of brand identity can be used to create a connection with your clients, and to stand out from the ever-expanding crowd of competitors.

The same principles should be considered when choosing images for blog posts. Sharp, colorful, relevant photos present a professional appearance to your potential visitors and help to connect readers with your posts. Images can also give your posts their own identity, creating separation between individual themes and messages.

Images play a very important part in your blog or website’s identity. It is important to choose the images you use to represent your product or service carefully, and pay close attention to the subject matter to ensure the content creates a professional appearance for your business.

If you would like some help managing your website, it’s content, or any other aspect of your Internet presence, please contact us today and let us help to make your online content create the best representation of your business, or you.

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