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How To Announce A New Website

by | Dec 17, 2021 | Business Tips, Marketing, Website Development

You’ve spent months dreaming up a new website, several more months approving concepts, and expertly critiquing content, now the moment has come…launch day! 

With a new website comes a promotional benefit. It’s the opportunity to “toot your own horn,” as they say. So how exactly do you make the most of your investment and new opportunity? 


Build Anticipation

Building anticipation for what’s to come is a great way to tease your clients. With that said, building anticipation can mean a variety of things. You could have a splash page letting your clients know change is on the way. If you’re really looking to play up the release, consider a string of social posts letting people know something exciting is on the horizon. This is also a great time to share behind-the-scenes content or sneak peeks of new features that your clients will soon have access to.

However, we all know development differs from refreshing a website to redeveloping it from the ground up. With a completely new website on your hands, you may want to have a “soft opening” to work out potential glitches and refine functions. 

When and how you build anticipation is up to you and is an entirely optional step in announcing your new website. 


Create Content 

Creating content is not optional. It’s a must, and honestly, can feel a little overwhelming. Whether you had a digital marketing agency behind your website development or not, it may be time to consider one to assist with creating captivating content

A few pieces of content you may want to consider include but are not limited to: 

  • Press Release
  • Blog Post and/or Guest Blog Posts
  • Email Marketing
  • New Lead Generation Content
  • Social Posts for Vendor/Partner Sharing
  • Graphics for Every Digital Marketing Platform 
  • Special Offers For Clients
  • Video Walk-Throughs or Introductions To New Features
  • Ad Verbiage & Graphics 


As you can see, the mediums are endless. Make sure you’re creating content that your clients and your business use! For example, if you don’t have vendors or business partners willing to share your website launch, that’s ok! Focus your time on creating graphics for your digital marketing platforms instead. 


Put Your Platforms To Work

Speaking of digital marketing platforms, put them to work! Running a business is not easy, and your marketing efforts are often multi-faceted. When something big happens in business, you’re accustomed to posting on every social channel, sending email campaigns, and so on. 

We’re here to tell you launching a newly redesigned website, or better yet, a new website altogether is BIG news! Assess your platforms and craft a message for each one. 

For example, the blog post about your new website should differ from a LinkedIn article’s business-first approach. Snag a guest post spot? Change your copy to focus on how that business’s users can benefit and add a shameless plug in your bio! 

If you’re part of an ad campaign producing tv or radio segments, use one of your segments to tell customers about the change and how it will positively impact them. 


Reveal Your Benefits 

Just as your messaging is different across platforms, so are the benefits it provides clients. At the end of the day, your client doesn’t really care about your new website. They care about how it will help them make purchases faster, save assets, provide additional resources, etc. 

As you develop your website launch campaign, consider your content and the platform on which it will display while honing in on how your new website will help your personas overcome the challenges they face. As you reveal benefits for your clients, follow up with a solid call to action, leading them directly to the source.

This doesn’t just apply to long-form copy like blogs. It should also be reflected in your headlines and social media captions. For example, let’s skip the “check out our new website” and go with something like: 

“Book your next appointment directly online using our newly launched website.” 

“Pay online using our new website.” 

“Check the resource center on our improved website.” 


Announce Your New Website!

Announcing your website the day it launches is exciting, but consider how you can keep that momentum going over several months. Build anticipation, then focus on creating content for each of your digital marketing platforms to reveal the benefits of your new website! You invested a lot of time, money, and effort into creating a digital space that exemplifies your business and improves your customer experience. You and your website deserve more than a one-and-done social post. 

Kendra - GreenCup Digital Free Consultation

About the Author

Kendra Higgins

Kendra can tell what button you’ll push. She loves to create the best user experience for her clients, and drive the leads you need with actionable landing pages. Basically living a double life, you can also find her chasing chickens around her homestead.
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