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Working With GreenCup Digital

by | Oct 29, 2021 | GreenCup Digital in the News

When you work with GreenCup Digital, you get personalized attention from a team of professionals with the experience to build the best representation of your business online. Whether you’ve already scheduled a free consultation or are shopping for an agency to work with, this post will help guide you through what to expect from us from beginning to end. 

Before you begin working with GreenCup Digital, here are a few things you should know: 

  • We do it all…when it comes to digital marketing. We specifically designed our umbrella of services to support your digital presence, which includes: branding, web design, SEO, social media, email, and content marketing. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all that there is, we encourage you to reach out. We have a team member dedicated to helping guide you!

  • When it comes to small businesses, we take our role seriously. Not as an agency, a developer, or a strategist but as a partner. As a small business ourselves, we know how hard it is to keep everything afloat. We’re here to help ease your workload while encouraging you to dream big. In the end, our job is to improve your digital marketing, increase your sales, and get YOU back to the things you love most.

  • Digital doesn’t have to be scary. As we craft solutions for you, we guide you through our reasoning, provide how-tos and set you up for success long after your project has closed with us. We like to call it positive empowerment, but it’s not all rainbows and butterflies, it’s business, and you have the power to grow it! 

With that disclaimer out of the way, it’s time to get into the fun stuff, working with us.

Joanna Chulick | GreenCup Digital Owner

When you first reach out to GreenCup Digital, we will ask you to set up an initial meeting with our Chief of Other…stuff nobody wants to take care of, AKA The Owner, AKA Joanna.

It’s a no-strings-attached phone call, zoom meet-up, or in-person coffee date to get to know you. Honestly, it’s Joanna’s favorite part. Think of her as your digital marketing therapist. Give us all the drama, struggles, challenges, and big wins! We want to hear it all. The better we know you and your business, the better we can partner with you to help. 

Fact: We never offer a service that’s not going to help you. If you come to us looking for SEO but have no website content, quite frankly, we’ll tell you to pump the brakes. 

This meeting also helps us determine if we’ll be a good fit, for better or worse, in good times and bad. Ok, it’s not that big of a commitment, but we truly believe in finding a digital marketing agency that fits you. We’ve done the competitive analysis; we know there are others out there. If our services don’t match what you’re looking for or the budget’s not there, we’ll recommend someone who can help. #communityovercompetition Depending on the size and scope of services you are looking for, you might also get a request to set up a meeting with the Wizard of Lightbulb Moments, AKA our Senior Marketing Strategist, AKA Mika. Mika is a master at coming up with digital marketing strategies that encompass everything a company needs to soar. 

Once we have all the info we need, Joanna grabs some coffee and returns to her office to draft up the perfect proposal. Think of a GreenCup Digital proposal as more of a guide. We outline the services you should invest in first for the most impact and then offer additional services to help support your goal. That way, you can pick what fits your budget now and plan accordingly for the future.

Sometimes we send you the proposal with a little love note to explain further about the proposal. Or, Joanna will schedule a call to review. This allows you the opportunity to ask questions. Whether it be what’s our favorite color or how our services will work together for you, we take the time to make sure you have all the information you need to make a decision.  

Then we wait. Joanna will check in with you in a few days, then in a week. (No pressure *cough*, it’s only her livelihood.) If there are line items in the proposal you’re unsure of – speak up! Joanna is more than happy to A) explain them to you or B) alter the service (within reason) to better suit your needs. That’s the beautiful thing about providing digital services; they are not one-size-fits-all. 

Now, this is where you get to choose your own adventure. 

Path A: Choose not to work with GreenCup Digital

As we said before, we know we’re not right for everyone, and that’s ok! We’ll send you off with good wishes and hope our paths cross again in the future. 

Path B: Work with GreenCup Digital! 

That’s right, baby, you signed the dotted line! What’s next?

This is when you meet the Task Wranglers of our digital frontier
AKA our Project Managers
AKA Marrissa, Kelsey, or Erika.

Kendra and Anne of GreenCup Digital reviewing a client's digital marketing needs

We’ll send you an intake form to collect more information from you – passwords, availability, etc. Once the nitty-gritty is out of the way, we introduce you to Basecamp, our web-based project management system. 

Basecamp helps our entire team communicate with you and each other to deliver the best, most fantastic brand, website, blog post, and/or all of the above and then some. Not to worry, with this new frontier comes a dedicated project manager. She’s the liaison between you and the work that needs to be done.

Think of your Project Manager as the ringleader. If you have questions or concerns, they are your point of contact, not the middle man. In addition to the project manager, you will also meet every team member that will be working on your project. 

This is an important distinction for GreenCup Digital to make. While your project manager helps keep your project timeline in order, answers questions and assigns tasks, you also have direct access to the entire team working on your project. So, if you have questions about your SEO audit, you can speak directly to our strategist. Not sure what content you need on this web page, ask your web developer. If you absolutely hate the word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” you can let it be known to your copywriter. 

In fact, you don’t even have to wait; meet our team here

Our team will partner with you to execute tasks, strategies, and new developments to better your business. It doesn’t have to be goodbye at the end of our time together, more of a “See ya later.” Depending on your services, you may hear from Joanna again to enroll in support, or she may follow up on those additional service recommendations from your initial proposal.

Joanna will send you the final invoice and a project wrap-up document. This is for you to review and sign, letting us know that everything is in tip-top shape. While Joanna often lurks in the background from a client perspective, let it be known our hands-on owner works diligently to make sure her team and clients are best taken care of. 

In addition to all the “wrap up stuff,” we also send you a feedback form with a few simple questions. This allows our team to see what we did well and what we may need improvement on. We’re not perfect (despite what we strive for), and your feedback is invaluable. It truly changes the way we conduct business, what services we offer, and helps us better support our future clients. 

And with that, you’re on to bigger and better things with your business! Sound good? Then let’s get to work!

Kendra - GreenCup Digital Free Consultation

About the Author

Kendra Higgins

Kendra can tell what button you’ll push. She loves to create the best user experience for her clients, and drive the leads you need with actionable landing pages. Basically living a double life, you can also find her chasing chickens around her homestead.
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